Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Initial Blog

Well, it is Monday morning and I am in a Web 2.0 Technology class. To tell you the truth; I am not a morning person, but this morning I am embarking on a journey into a 'brave new world.' I am excited with a little intrepidation. My goal or objective is to learn as much as I can about this strange world of technology. I know this is the place I need to be, even if it means sacrificing some precious R&R summer vacation time. However, because of my love for teaching and learning; I want to learn as much as I can to be able to communicate effectively with my students as well as peers and fellow educators on my campus, district, state, nation, and the world. Wow, I never would have thought that 30 years ago (when I was in high school) you would be able to talk to anyone in the world just by clicking a button. We have come a long way. I feel that I need to come a long way to open my mind, my brain, my heart to embrace this new world of information and learning. I will try my best to survive this journey and live abundantly and successfully in this 'brave new world.' Help!

3:10PM - The clouds are clearing. I can see better now.


  1. This is a wonderful sentiment! My only concern is will teachers really have time to do this. I'm hoping to turn mine into a "go to" site where teachers like yourself can get tips and hints on technology...Darlene

  2. What a great blog post! Isn't it amazing that with just a click of a button you can communicate with the world. "The times they are a-changing!"

  3. I agree today's technology is amazing!! I just wish I could keep up with it a little better.
